Future Perspective

When a person is under duress over a long period of time, they tend to learn to make adjustments to house the discomfort, just so that they can move through their day. The question that comes to mind is. . . is that living? Is that truly living? Is that living up to your highest potential? Let’s explore this scenario. A person who has become comfortable with designing their lives in a way that they have gotten used to experiencing untreated triggers, is most likely approaching how they interact with others as well. What this may look like is a person may make a  point to not be resistant, not only to change, but also to people who want to build rarelationship with them. This could mean relationships with family, friends, or potential romantic partners.

What I like to do is imagine a house. In this house are many rooms. In this house, one room might be housed by different memories thoughts and feelings-good and bad. For a person who is ruled by their emotions/reactions to a trigger, that room is bigger, larger, and perhaps they have gotten to the point where they have provided furniture and possibly even energy to feed that emotion. Thats how comfortable a person can become with untreated trauma. They may even go so far as to make it as comfortable as they can by pushing people away so that they can suffer without disturbance. This is an example of a person using their relationship to trauma to keep them from finding healing, help, and hope-finding a way to move on. This is a persons whos emotions/reactions have become their authority.


Present Perspective.